Did You Know a Website Backup is Your Business' Best Insurance?

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I bet you spent lots of time, effort, or money on your website. Maybe even all of the above! Imagine how you'd feel if it all came crashing down and you had to start from scratch.

Do I have your attention now?

The best way to protect your website is by backing it up! It's the best way to ensure that your online presence stays online. If you’re not backing up regularly, you’re taking a BIG gamble.

Think of every backup as an insurance policy. I hope you’ll never have to use it, but it’s there when you need it.


Simply put, a website backup is just a copy of your site you can reinstall. This small step will save you tons of unnecessary stress if any of the following were to occur:

1) Crashes

Websites crash from time-to-time for one reason or another. Dealing with a crash can be costly and complicated unless you have a backup ready. You can quickly restore your website from the most recent backup copy and hopefully, nobody will even notice it was down!

2) Hackers

Even with the best security measures in place, no website is impossible to hack. (Just suuuuuper difficult.) Even the most secure sites can fall victim to troublesome hackers. In the process, attackers could pass on malware or viruses. Your best bet is to restore your site using a backup copy taken just before your site was attacked.

3) Updates

Technology changes almost instantaneously and updates are necessary to keep up with the latest versions of software, themes, plug-ins, and components that optimize website features.

Sometimes, updates contain a few bugs or glitches. These glitches can cause compatibility issues or critical errors that can crash your site. Having a backup of your entire website including your database before installing an update, will restore your site in a jiffy.

4) Errors

Mistakes happen! Clicking the wrong button, deleting a file, deleting content when editing your site... accidents happen.

You can always recover from slip-ups when you have a backup!

5) Disasters

As we saw in Texas last month, natural disasters such as weather, fire, earthquakes happen. Your website is hosted by a server connected to the Internet and these type of disasters can damage/destroy your website.

Most web hosting companies have contingency plans in place for when this happens, but you don't want to rely on others to cover your butt.

The quicker you can restore your webpage, the quicker you can get back to the business of running your business.

If your website crashes, you could lose everything. Backing up your website regularly is the best insurance policy for your online presence!

We offer regular, automated backups so you'll never have to recreate your website from scratch again. Contact Don Oxman and he can walk you through how to get started!


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